I am still using the morning liturgy you inspired us to create in grad school! I made it all pretty on Canva and it’s laminated because that’s how I roll. 🤣 The combo of prayers and scriptures feel so familiar now. On days I have time, I’ll use the whole thing. And on mornings that are busier, I use the Lectio 365 app. But my favorite part of my early morning is lighting a beautiful set of three gold oil candles I got a few months ago as an anniversary gift. As I light them I welcome the Father Son and Holy Spirit to the room with me. And then all feels well in the world, at least for a little while.

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How beautiful! I love the idea of lighting 3 candles to invite the Triune God into your home. That's so creative and meaningful. Thank you for sharing, Lesley.

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I would LOVE to know more about creating my own morning liturgy!! What did that process look like?

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Same! I’m curious if you, Leslie, would be open to sharing yours.

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I listen to Mandisa's song "Good Morning," and Snoop Dogg's affirmations. They help me get up in the morning.

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*googling Snoop Dogg's affirmations*

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Snoop Dogg has children’s affirmation songs?!?! Who knew…

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Ten years ago I would have scoffed at Snoop being someone I listened to on any meaningful level, but here we are in upside-down 2024 and I am now certain that man is a National Treasure 🫶🏻 the affirmations, coming with Martha, the Olympic official cheerleader. I am so here for it!

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I haven't been able (yet) to break the habit of looking at my cell phone as soon as I wake up, but I have decided not to read the news, check my email or go to social media. What I've been doing is I go straight to my notes app and start writing something, whatever is on my mind. I only take a couple of minutes since mornings tend to be hectic trying to get my kids to school, but I feel so much better than when I start my days overloaded with information.

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The pull of your phone first thing in the morning is so real! I’m right there with you but I love how you’ve adapted it to make it a not so “bad” thing.

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The ritual of making the coffee and taking the first hot sip.

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I intentionally set my alarm to get up early, so I have the house to myself in the dark early morning. I light a candle and say "You are here" to the Father. I sit with my dog curled up beside me, read some scripture, write out a prayer or two, sip my hot tea. I need to work on not looking at my phone, and I like the idea of taking a few seconds outside to be still, maybe stretch, and look at the sky all of which I can do since I have to take the dog out!

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Me, too, Loretta--I set the alarm early to have the quiet, dark house to myself. And recently started lighting a candle. Cat instead of dog and coffee instead of tea, for me. :)

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Ill be thinking about you in the morning! :)

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I while back I placed my rosary (Catholic tradition) under my pillow and reach for it first thing when I wake up in the morning to say my morning prayers. It makes me feel connected and centered as I pray for family and intentions or my mind wonders and I reel it back in and laugh at myself and know God hears it all. I like to think he’s chuckling along with me😊.

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Having a resting place for my phone so it is available but not on my person, watching at least one sunrise a week, praying, and coffee:)

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I’m surrounded by trees so watching the sunrise is hard. And I’m in NY so going outside as temperatures drop is also hard. I just need to come up with something similar.

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I love when I can catch the sunrise 🌅 It amazes me every time!

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As soon as I get a satisfying rhythm going something happens, like a change in season or a very early morning appointment, and then everything somehow gets off kilter and I have to start all over again.

The only non-negotiable is waking up praying and a whole lot of time by myself. Bonus points for puttering quietly/batching desk work in my room before emerging downstairs.

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This post is so timely! I have been gradually crafting a new morning routine. I love that your ideas are accessible and not overwhelming. Thank you for sharing your morning with us.

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I love this post! Morning routines have always been a challenge, but I won’t give up. Simple movements in reflection and intention - these are my main goals.

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I’m finding it hard to get a good nights sleep and often times feel exhausted in the morning. Sleeping in until my toddler has to get up for preschool has become a disliked standard for me. I’m finding my morning routine that is for me starts when she goes to preschool. Instead of coming straight home, I go to the local park and jog for 30 minutes. Then it’s home for an egg sandwich before I start my chores. Taking time for myself isn’t something I allowed the past couple of years so I’m really trying hard to give myself permission to take those moments.

In the middle of the night when I can’t sleep, I’ve been listening to past sermons instead of scrolling social media. That’s helped me go to back to sleep much faster.

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The simplicity of these few options make me feel so calm!

I sometimes overcomplicate my morning routine, so recently i've been trying to be ok with it not always looking exactly as planned.

I find a lot more peace if I just pick one tiny verse from the Bible and just sit with that. It seems like I'm not making much progress in my understanding until I realise I am... Slowly slowly, surely surely.

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I still reach for my phone in the morning to help wake up, but now I read Substack instead of scrolling social media, and it’s a much better way to start my day. Past that, my morning essentials are: workout/walk/yoga, reading, and a hearty breakfast and tea before work. The rhythm of the mornings really does set the tone for the day!

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I love that you stopped scrolling social media first thing. I left SM in 2021 and I never looked back. I sometimes forget it still exists.

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I’m glad it’s been a good thing for you too! Social media can be wonderful, but there is also freedom to be found from stepping away from it.

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Funny enough, walking my kids up the road to their bus stop has become a morning ritual. It wakes me up. Then I walk home, eat breakfast & have my coffee. Centering prayer is next, and then reading as well. My goal is to not pick up my phone before 10am 🙏🤷‍♀️

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I have a 6 month old so mornings look different now. I typically wake with him so my first few hours I spend with him. I’m still finding my new normal in this season I’d love to know how others of you have navigated mornings with little ones! Thanks ❤️

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Every time I read anything you write, my nervous system reconstructs itself to somewhere so peaceful. Thank you for this piece and all your writing.

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