Jul 2Liked by Emily P. Freeman

This is the only Substack I pay to read. And this beautiful overview of a year's worth of soul work is exactly why.

Emily, thanks (and love from Cape Cod!)


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Me too. And worth every penny. ❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Emily P. Freeman

Today I upgraded to “paid subscriber.” I am completely new to anything Substack, so I will be figuring things out. Your work has blessed my discernment, and therefore my life, in profound ways. I am grateful for you, epf!

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Thank you! Welcome to Substack. I hope you find it to be a gentle, quiet, and generative space. I know I do!

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I’ve deactivated all my other socials (just too noisy) and am hopeful to find the life-giving content I’ve missed here.

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I'm one of the people receiving a scholarship and I'm so grateful to you, Emily, and to the Founding Members for that!

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Thanks so much for this summary, Emily!

I would be interested in practicing discerning arrows from life noise in part of the August workshop.

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Oh- I like that Andrea! Me too, Emily!

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YES!! I vote for this idea!

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I love these questions. I’m enjoying the Next Right Thing Guided Journal, especially the sections on practice. The questions are so helpful.

As to what to cover in your upcoming podcast, I still deal with the grief and lost feeling of leaving a church my husband pastored and I led in various ministries for 36 years. I want to yearn less for what I’m sure I’ve exaggerated into a bliss it never was, but I did love the community and spiritual growth there. Until I didn’t. I can always use words and practices to build my hope and faith in what is to come. I love looking for arrows and writing them down. Thanks so much for all you do in this space and through your books.

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Jul 3Liked by Emily P. Freeman

I think one thing I so much love about the questions you ask is that they give voice to things I'm trying to be curious about, things I want to explore but don't always know how I should frame what is going on inwardly. Your questions and thoughtfulness always seems like a little light along my path. Grateful.

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I’m anticipating a huge shift in my life with retirement next year. My emotions are all over the place. I find great purpose in my work (teacher) but I’m tired. I don’t know what a successful shift into this new stage of life will look like. I’ve read all your books, listened to your podcasts and get your monthly emails. Are there any podcasts or chapters of books you recommend I revisit? It would be great to address the question of, “What are best practices for big changes?” in a future Zoom meeting.

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With all my latest transitions…I can say, hold onto GRACE, shift with Grace as your guide! We can do all things through Yeshua who strengthens us! I also just left teaching and creating curriculum for video after 41 years! As an educator I believe in you and your next great and truest steps in love and loads of grace!💖🙏🏻

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I want to know what you do if your body and mind say it’s time to retire…but your identity is tied into your work. How to exit something you loved and it is time but it fells like cliff diving. I read curiously: start before you are ready. My body is ready but my mind has not caught up. What if I hate it?

Emily you could be called the wise woman. It’s a thing in Amish culture…

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Emily, your insight, expertise and questions have been blessing me for years. You have helped me realize that I have been a question asker since I was a small girl, and she is once again emerging. This past 18 months have been some of the most difficult I have ever faced, and your Next Right Thing Journal helped me capture much of it. As I review the year's learnings, I am eternally grateful for this gift of marking seasons and time. In addition, your vulnerability and authenticity invite me into a safe place to hold my life gently and kindly. THANK YOU. 🙏🏻

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Emily- to expound more on Andrea’s idea- I would love to dive more into discerning arrows from noise. I use The Next Right Thing guided journal and I continually struggle there. Is it my emotions- or an arrow? God’s guidance- or my reaction to a moment? Anyway/ really hoping I can make the Zoom workshop when you schedule it! Thank you for doing it!

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Dearest Emily…because that is how I feel without ever meeting in person!

You and your books, work, and amazing discernment and heart for God have traveled with me since the passing of my husband in 2016! It has been an amazing journey without you ever knowing the rescue, light, and hope you have added to my life! With a sudden death, it is tricky to know your next right thing, but there you were as I read and re-read…the rescue began! I cannot thank you enough! Now I have sold the family home and moved to a new state leaving a job of 21 years of passion and true heart poured out! Needless to say the transition has come with a lot, but GOD and you gave me your newest book…wow how to leave that career, that room…big and best choice ever! After three months of settling, I wait…for my next right thing which I only pray to live from all of your inspiration that I will have wisdom to walk in HIS love, and to be brave which I am a bit short on at this moment! But, through all your work and your openness to share I know I can do this next season, and prayerfully do it well! With my heartfelt gratitude and prayers for you and yours!💖🙏🏻

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I’m a long time fan and your writing has been transformative for me! So thankful. Look forward to seeing everyone on zoom. I would love to read a book about your questions with your discoveries to living a reflective life. You really ask the BEST questions & model a deeper way of living authentically. Thanks from my ♥️

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Hi! I'm new here but I feel as though I have stumbled across a place of safety and refuge in this space. I also purchased Emma Gannon's little book set over on the pound project which I am loving. I started with "Summer/Autumn" so hadn't appreciated Emma's epiphany came on 22nd October 2022. I'm not always the best at capturing daily life in photographic form, so don't always have a photo to look back on my camera reel, but I can recall precisely what happened on that day .... we were celebrating my youngest of our three's, and my only girl's, 8th birthday! Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the passage of time. Seeing her sweet little face gazing back at me from my phone and noticing how she has changed and developed and grown so much during those almost two years brought an instant yearning for time to slow down!

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So excited about the Zoom call! Thank you for all the heart and energy you put here and in all your writing and contributions towards us, as fellow travelers in life. 🫶

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Excited for our Zoom live! Congratulations on your Substack-iversary.

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Thank you, Emily! I think it's normal to look back on where you were on a day of upheaval in someone else's life, famous or not or your own. I know exactly where I was when the first plane hit the Twin Tower on 9/11. I know where I was when Kurt Cobain died. He wasn't much older than me at the time. What was I doing last year? It was July 4th. My dad at 81 made the brave decision to have a 7.2 aortic aneurysm removed from his heart. We were on our merry way to Columbia Presbyterian in NYC. I was praying like crazy because of fear. He made it, but the summer was awful because his recovery was hard. When I look back it's all a blur. I functioned because I had to. Has anyone else had to do something big and brave get through it and then not fully remember it?

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